Mobility Chair Gifted to Ivy
Ivy is a young girl from Florida that requires a wheelchair for mobility. She comes from a family that enjoys the outdoors while fishing, hunting, camping or going to the beach. A traditional wheelchair did not provide access to many of the areas her family wished to take her along.
Her mother reached out to Heartland DSC to share Ivy’s story after reading an article in Dallas Safari Club’s Game Trails magazine about a New Mexico elk hunt we had taken a young man from Nebraska on utilizing an all-terrain mobility chair. After hearing Ivy’s story, we knew that she was the perfect candidate for a mobility chair and went to work to acquire one for her. With the generous support of our donors and supporters we were able to raise the funds to provide Ivy with her own chair.
On Mother’s Day weekend 2023 we surprised Ivy with her very own NuMotion Mobility Chair. Ivy’s mother has stated, “This chair will change Ivy’s life providing her freedom she has never experienced and the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities with family and friends”.
Published April 2023